
Free online tools for everyday tasks

Our Tools

Random Generators

Password Generator

Generate secure, random passwords with custom settings for length and character types.

UUID Generator

Create unique identifiers (UUIDs) for your applications and databases.

Random Number Generator

Generate random numbers with customizable range, quantity, and formatting options.

Utility Tools

IP Lookup

Track and locate IP addresses to find their geographic location and ISP information.

QR Code Generator

Create QR codes for websites, contact information, or any text content.

URL Redirect Checker

Check URL redirects, track HTTP status codes, and analyze the complete redirection chain of any URL.


Unit Converter

Convert between different units of measurement including length, weight, volume, and more.

Currency Converter

Convert between different currencies with up-to-date exchange rates.

Base64 Converter

Encode and decode text to and from Base64 format for data transmission or storage.


BMI Calculator

Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) and determine your healthy weight range.

Percentage Calculator

Calculate percentages, percentage increase/decrease, and percentage differences.

Date Calculator

Calculate date differences or add/subtract time from dates.


JSON Formatter

Format JSON data with syntax highlighting and validation for easier reading.

XML Formatter

Format and validate XML documents with proper indentation and structure.

SQL Formatter

Format SQL queries with proper indentation and keyword highlighting.

Text Tools

Text Counter

Count characters, words, sentences, and paragraphs in your text.

Case Converter

Convert text case between uppercase, lowercase, title case, and more.

Lorem Ipsum Generator

Generate Lorem Ipsum placeholder text for design and layout projects.